Monday, October 8, 2012

Chapter 1-8: The Begining

First of all, I have no idea of my life until this point. All I know is that my name is Tomas. I woke up in a metal elevator, and for, what it seemed like hours, I travel up in the shaft. When it finally opened, fifty to sixty male teenagers, young and old, welcomed me into the Glade. The Glade is a compound underground with a farm, stone courtyard, cliff, grove of trees, garden, buildings, and most importantly the Maze. My first day started with meeting the leader, Alby. He told me that I came in the Box, and that everyone here including me is a Glader. When I went to bed that night, I had so many questions. Next morning was my tour of the Glade. Chuck, my soon to be best friend, told me that I am 5' 9", roughly sixteen, brown hair, and male, because everyone so far has been male. As we are walking, we walk into a guy named Gally. Gally has been through the Changing. This is when Grievers, metal bugs with spikes, sting us. They infect us with a poison, so the poison makes our bodies go threw a mental and physical changing that kills our whole body without the Serum. With the Serum, an antidote, our body gets images of our past life and future life with the price of eminence pain for weeks. Gally saw me in his Changing and says that I am bad news, so he sends me up the central building to see Benny. Benny is going threw the Changing at the time. His body was twisted, pale, green veins popping out his body, bruises, red hives, and blood shot eyes that darted back and forth. After that we saw the Runners, and I instantly knew I had to be one of them. Chuck said they run threw the maze trying to figure it out the patterns, but he said it was a bad idea for me to be one of them. The next day, Newt, second in command, showed me the Maze. He said that our whole purpose of being here is to figure out the Maze to go home. Also, Grievers only come out at night and in the Maze. Later that same day, Alby took me on the real tour. I learned that the Box brings a newbie, or Greenie, once a month to the Glade, and it also brings supplies once a week. "Glade's cut into four sections…Gardens. Blood House, Homestead, Deadheads", he said to me. "Gardens-- is where we grow crops." "Blood House-- where we raise and salute animals." The Homestead is where we sleep, and the Deadheads are the graveyard. When we checked out the farm, I felt like I have been here before, and I had this same feeling when I came out of the Box. Alby took me to see the Maze again, and I still had the feeling, in my gut, that I had to be a Runner. Throughout the whole tour I had so many questions. Plus, for the next two weeks after I was supposed to work each job around the Glade, but another Greenie showed up on that very interesting, third day. This had never happened before, but two Greenies showed up in the same month. What is more interesting is that this one was a girl and with her was a note saying, "She's the last one. Ever."

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