Monday, October 8, 2012

Chapter 35-45: Trigger

We figured that if the Grievers can leave this way so can we! Next, we picked up some rocks to see where they jump into off the Cliff. Taking turns help us get the exact locations of the hidden entrance. I called it the Griever Hole. Back in the Map Room, I drew a pretty good map for my first one, but I was very excited to tell Newt and Alby about the Griever Hole. Alby said no supplies came today, so there's no sun for the plants, no supplies, and everyone is going crazy. When we are talking to them, Chuck said the girl woke up. In my mind she told me, before she forgot it, that the Maze was a code. I did not want to see her, so I ran to the Deadheads. She found me! She said she can just talk in my mind like riding a bike, even though we both remember riding one but not remembering if we learned how to ride one. There was a message on her arm: WICKED is good. "Don't let me forget--it has to mean something," she said. Newt came running out of the woods with Alby, Jeff, Clint, and two people named Billy and Jackson. Alby ask what did the girl do. Teresa said she just triggered the ending, so they took her to the Slammer. Also, he said the Doors and walls did not close today. I told Newt that the Creators, people who created this Maze, wanted us to finish this once and for all. He knew it was true, but he just shrugged me off. Then, I sprinted to the Slammer to see Teresa. See asked for me to get her out, but I said you will be the safest one here because the Grievers can not in the bars. During that night, we made the Homestead our fort, so we crammed everyone in there with food, weapons, barricades, and sleeping supplies. Alby left for the Map Room to study them, but we heard the Grievers outside. Everyone heard the noise get closer and closer. Then, Gally came in the Homestead. We all thought he was dead. He yelled and screamed, "The Grievers will kill you all--one every night till it's over!" Then he said it was my fault and slapped he that nearly knocks me cold. Newt pulled him off me, and the Grievers broke in. Gally ran at them and they took Gally and left. One a night I thought. Minho ran after them to check if they go through the Griever Hole. When he came back, he said they did go through it, but Newt interrupted and said the Map Room was burned down. Teresa was lonely, so I went to see her. She was thinking that we compare only the maps in the same section other then the other maps in the day. We found out that each day could be a letter or a word each day! Then, I thought about the burning maps, and I told her that "if there was a code, it's gone." I left her there because I had to see if any of the maps had survived. Minho and Newt followed me to the Slammer to talk about what Teresa and I found out. Plus, I needed to get her out of the cell. After that, Newt told me that those maps that got burned were fake, and they switched them because of Alby's warning to protect the maps. We all got to the secret storage area, so I began to explain that the Runner have always compared them to their own section not the other. Bam! The idea came to my mind; all we needed was wax paper, black colors, and scissors. We put the wax paper on top and traced the maps, sections by sections, days by days. When we put some together, we saw something "sitting in the exact center of the page was the letter F." Next was L, O, A, T, C, A, T, C, and H. FLOAT and CATCH. Minho said we need all the Runners to find today's maps. While we were gone running, they other were finding other words. After we found nothing new in the Maze, Minho got discouraged. The others found the code! FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, DEATH, STIFF, and PUSH is the code. We had no idea what the six words meant, but I had the craziest idea to help us. We need memories to find out more. I had to go through the Changing on purpose.

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