Monday, October 8, 2012

Chapter 55-62: Final Varibles

The Gladers were running for hours, and then, we reached the Cliff. The Grievers were just sitting there waiting for us, until more closed us in, so they were on all of our sides. I fought my fear as I took the situation in. When all the Grievers were around us, they just sat there and waited. Alby was freaking out that someone needs to die now, so he committed suicide by running strait into a Griever because only one of us can die right... wrong! Newt yelled to the group that the number one priority is to get me, Teresa, and Chuck to the Hole. Before he finished, the Grievers stopped attacking Alby and came for us. We just ran as fast as we could without stopping for one second to the Hole. The Gladers made a slight opening, so we took it like our lives depended on it, even though they actually did. Teresa went first into the marked Hole. It had vines that the Runners put out earlier in the day when there was no Grievers outside the Hole, but all of the Grievers were inside the Hole. Chuck went second, so I went last. At the end of the Hole was a small room with a computer. Teresa put in the codes, but the last code did not work. One Griever came back through the Hole, so I defended her with my spear. I eventually killed it. Teresa kept saying the last word would not work, and at the same time more Grievers came through the Hole. Chuck yelled that you do not type in the last word: PUSH. He said you have to push the button that said: KILL THE MAZE. Teresa "pushed the button and everything went perfectly silent." Half of us died during that battle. When everyone was inside the Hole, we followed that path that led us to a oily tunnel. We each slide down it, and at the bottom we all saw the Creators. A door opened, and two people walked through it. One was a female, and the other was Gally. She said that there is one final Variable, so Gally, being mind controlled, picked up a knife and threw it at me. Chuck dived in front of it and killed himself for me. His last words were," mom." Rage went through me, so I lashed out at Gally, beating him to death. Then, several people with guns came bursting into the room, killing the Women, and taking us with them. We ran to a bus that was outside the compound because they rescuers motion us on. All of us got on safely, and the driver kept going like he did not care about his life. One women on board told us about what was going on. Thousands of orphans, just like the Gladers, were tested, and that we were part of the biggest one. Two hours later the bus stopped at a building. There was food, beds, bright colors, pizza, and clothes. I shared a room with Minho, but before we went to bed Teresa talked to me telepathically. We both wondered what tomorrow would be like.

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